General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the highest organ in the structure of corporate governance of the Company. GMS is a forum for shareholders to exercise their rights and responsibilities. In addition, the GMS also holds the power not delegated to the Board of Commissioners or Directors in accordance with the provisions set forth in the articles of association and prevailing regulations.

The Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 14 June 2024 had the following resolutions:

  1. Approved and ratified the Annual Report including the Report of Board of Director regarding the course of the Company’s business activity as well as the approval on the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, and Board of Commissioner’s Supervisory Report for 2023, approved on the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023 and fully acquitted and discharged (acquit et de charge) the Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company in carrying out management and supervisory during the year ended December 31, 2023;

  2. Approved net loss attributable to owners of the parent company for financial year ended December 31, 2023, amounting to IDR 9,845,110,179.00 (nine billion eight hundred forty-five million one hundred ten thousand one hundred seventy-nine rupiah), therefore there was no reserve to fulfill provision of Article 70 of Law No 40 Year 2007 re: Limited Liability Company nor dividend distribution to shareholders of the Company;

  3. Approved the appointment of Ahmad Syakir S.E, CPA as accountant from Mirawati Sensi Idris Public Accounting Firm as Public Accounting Firm registered in Financial Services Authority to audit the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for year 2024. If Ahmad Syakir S.E., CPA is not available, then may select another partner from Mirawati Sensi Idris Public Accounting Firm to conduct the audit of the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements and to authorize the Director of the Company to determine the honorarium and other requirements relating to the appointment;

  4. Approved to respectfully dismiss all members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company by providing full release and repayment (acquit et de charge) accompanied by thanks for their services and roles while serving in the Company and subsequently appointed new members of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners;

Therefore, the composition of member of Board of Commissioners and Directors of the Company was as follows:

President Commissioner : Jonathan Tahir
Vice President Commissioner : Timothy Tin Ching Tang
Commissioner : Kevin Qouc Hong
Commissioner : Ronald Kumala Putra
Independent Commissioner : Drs. Aryanto Agus Mulyo
Independent Commissioner : Gn Hiang Lin
Independent Commissioner : Drs. Da’i Bachtiar, S.H

President Director : Ir. Wong Budi Setiawan
Vice President Director : Wei Lawrence Lai
Director : Milan Rabold
Director : Vinay Lamba
Director : Victoria Tahir *
Director : Harry Wangidjaja

* Victoria Tahir is the same person as Dewi Victoria Riady

The dismissal and appointment were effective as of the closing of the meeting.

Approved to confirm the composition of the Company’s shareholders, one and the other based on the Letter of the Securities Administration Bureau refers to as “BAE” PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora dated 5 April 2024 Number LB-01/SONA/042024, as follows:

  1. DFS VENTURE SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD, totaling 298,080,000 (two hundred ninety eight million eighty thousand) shares or with a nominal value of IDR 37,260,000,000.00 (thirty seven billion two hundred and sixty million rupiah).

  2. PT PRECISE PACIFIC REALTY, totaling 229,671,080 (two hundred twenty nine million six hundred seventy one thousand eighty) shares or with a nominal value of IDR 28,708,885,000.00 (twenty eight billion seven hundred eight million eight hundred eighty five thousand rupiah).

  3. Tuan TAHIR or also called Dato’ Sri Professor Doktor TAHIR Master of Business Administration, totaling 103,999,400 (one hundred three million nine hundred ninety nine thousand four hundred) shares or with a nominal value of IDR 12,999,925,000.00 (twelve billion nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand rupiah).

  4. Public, as many as 30,649,520 (thirty million six hundred forty nine thousand five hundred and twenty) shares or with a nominal value of IDR 3,831,190,000.00 (three billion eight hundred thirty-one million one hundred and ninety thousand rupiah).

So the total is 662,400,000 (six hundred sixty two million four hundred thousand) shares or with a nominal value of IDR 82,800,000,000.00 (eighty two billion eight hundred million rupiah).

Authorize the Director of the Company with the right of substitution to take all necessary actions relating to changes/confirmation of the composition of the Company’s shareholders, including but not limited to making, signing and submitting all documents, as well as to state the resolutions of this Meeting in a separate deed in front of Notary and administering notification and registration to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.

Meeting schedules for following year are distributed to all member of BOC before the end of the year, while the meeting agenda and other information are sent out before meeting being held.

Memberi kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan dengan hak substitusi untuk melakukan segala tindakan yang diperlukan berkaitan dengan perubahan/penegasan susunan susunan pemegang saham Perseroan, termasuk akan tetapi tidak terbatas untuk membuat, menandatangani dan menyerahkan segala dokumen, serta untuk menyatakan keputusan Rapat ini dalam suatu akta tersendiri dihadapan Notaris dan mengurus pemberitahuan serta pendaftarannya kepada Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia.

Rencana jadwal rapat untuk tahun yang akan datang disampaikan kepada seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris sebelum akhir tahun, sedangkan agenda rapat dan informasi lainnya disampaikan sebelum rapat diselenggarakan.